/Adopting a Pet | Checklist and Preparation Guide

Adopting a Pet | Checklist and Preparation Guide

Apparently featuring my kitten in like half of my Instagram posts anymore was not enough and I decided to make another video so little while ago I introduce my little bit into you guys hamlet and I talked about when my husband I first got him and sort of like first impressions at first challenges and things like that but I didn’t actually talk too much about how we prepared at least not very much in detail hamlet is my first pet that I’ve ever owned myself that’s not like a family pet but I’ve actually spent a lot of months for several months my job was basically almost entirely devoted to cats so I did tons of research and writing and stuff like that even though I’ve only ever had experience personally with a cats I grew up with a dog but again that was a family dog not my dog I really feel like a lot of these tips and he’s like crap things that I’m gonna talk about can apply to basically any pet you want to adopt you just have to sort of like tailor it to whatever you want so I thought today what I might talk about is some of the the ways that I prepared to so basically kind of a checklist that I made myself and yes I did actually make a checklist because I love lists we cover the support but basically a checklist of what you need to do and what you need to prepare before you talk to Pat okay so I’m not sure thing let me holding the whole time although he seems pretty content there let’s just put you down right now it’s gonna take a nap in my lap apparently he’s very very cuddly anyway this is my personal checklist it’s what I personally recommend it’s by no means exhaustive there probably actually were other things that even my husband I did to prepare but I just forgotten to write down but I’ve taken as much time as I possibly can to try and remember all the stuff I went through also keep in mind I am not a professional I don’t do this for a living I did do a lot of research and writing but not specifically about adopting I’m not an adoption professional or anything like that also like I said depending on what type of pet you’re adopting some stuff could be a little bit different so just keep that in mind my personal example will obviously be using my kitten the first thing on the checklist but not necessarily the first thing you’ll be doing is to figure out all of the pick up details for your pet and also any.
Other details you might need from the person of the shelter where you’re making that up in my case I went directly through a family to adopt him let’s but if you want their shelter this probably actually a more standardized procedure where they tell you all the things you need to know and they go through all the details and everything like that there might be even a visiting it afterward I think a lot of shelters will come and visit maybe a week or two after just make sure it’s a good fit but you need to make sure you work out all these details before so when you’re gonna pick them up where you go to pick them up whether they’ve been vaccinated or what vaccinations that had specifically if their fixed or not fixed how old they are their birth date stuff like that just all the details that you might ever need from the family or from the shelter obviously you can reach out and touch later but it’s just best to have those things all narrow down right when you get there you can write it down you can have all the information you need once you have a pic update you can also know when you meet all these other things that I’m about to talk about and when you need to have everything ready so next our supplies now this is something again it’s going to vary a lot especially based on the pads but it’s one thing you probably need as a carrying case no matter what kind of had it is I also recommend you think in advance so for example our cats we knew that he’s probably going to be a little bit big his mom’s pretty big that’s why we specifically picked a carrier that hopefully will be big enough even when he gets grown and it’s definitely big enough now and it’s bigger than what a lot of people get for their cats but because we’re gonna need space you’ll need decide if you can get a bed for your pet in our case we got a cat tree because cats needs a place to climb into place to scratch scratching post definitely really important for cat toys are definitely a few toys obviously you can continue to add to the collection especially as you’re you’re patch destroys all the wonderful toys he bought them pick him let loves to do with all of the stories that have a few different types of toys have a few different types of treats and things like that we got a nail clipper for him the brush a lot of different angles you know brush just basically any little supplies like that you can do a bit of research if you had this before you probably already know maybe even have these supplies but you just need to make sure you have the supplies on hand some of the stuff you can just buy after you don’t necessarily have to have everything before like for example the nail.
Speaker 0: I forgot to get those before we picked of hamlet but it wasn’t a big deal I just ordered one we had in there by the time we needed it but it’s better if you can have the stuff in advance just so everything’s ready and so when you actually get your pet there in your home you can focus on helping the peta jocks and getting to know the Pat and not just like scrambling for all the things that you probably should have had before there are lots of really helpful list too if you just Google what do you need to buy for conducting a cat adopting a dog adopting hamster whatever you’re adopting and you’ll find tons of lists for for information another really really really important thing to figure out before you have the pets is the food so I probably should have mentioned under the supplies list you need some like a food water dish but the food that you actually put in their dash is much much more important and it’s definitely something you need to have before you take that home this probably can apply to other animals as well but I know cats specifically I know that’s having written articles about it cats have a really tough time changing diets you can do it and you should do whatever so often just to make sure they don’t become one of those Catholic it’s really sick whenever you change anything but they have a really hard time even the most you know changeable of cats so it’s very important to try and figure out what they were eating before you can just change the diet to whatever you want but me personally I I specifically asked the family what they were feeding hamlets and I got that food so that I can transition him on to something else and I could do it very slowly he actually did really well he had no trouble whatsoever transitioning to the new food but cats can get ill from the new food they also can just turn it down and not eat so just keep that in mind if you’re adopting a cat and you can figure out what they’re eating before you bring them home that would be the ideal if you can it’s also very helpful if you can figure out how much you should be feeding them there’s a little bit to be said for sort of experimenting and figure it figuring it out but if you can actually figure out based on like a weight chart for example I know for cats there is some charts you can find for it their way to succeed with how many calories you should be having but if you get a cat or a dog or whatever else that’s not full sized this is.
Probably gonna change a lot next it’s very important to make sure you have any pets proof hold now growing up with dogs this is a lot simpler you didn’t have to worry about stuff that was up on high shelves you don’t have to worry about tiny little corners and holds the door behind the desk said and shelves and things like that none of that was you have to worry about you just had to make sure like candy canes on the Christmas tree wrong really high and stuff I but with cats and I would imagine animals like rabbits for example be quite complicated as well there’s a little bit more of a challenge the first day that we brought him at home he managed to find a little hole in the back of one of our cabinets in our kitchen and he sneaked underneath our cabinets I’m not talking about like in the cabinets towards the back I’m talking a place that you’re not even supposed to go like underneath the cabinets and it took us probably a good hour to get him out hosts it was an absolute fiasco and it ended up with both poor hamlet in me covered in dust so I don’t really repeat that that was after I had cat proof the home because I didn’t even notice that was there that was after I’d already put up things that I can get into and made sure the plants that we had were poisonous to him and all of that and he still managed to do that.
Speaker 0: Just to forewarn you make sure you really really think it through even if it seems extreme just just pepper but anyway if you haven’t had the time to pass before this is going to be an even bigger challenge but just do your research and try to figure out what things could possibly be a problem so like I mentioned plants there are tons of plants that are poisonous to cats dogs I’m sure rabbits and any other animal as well so just do better research make sure you don’t have any of those things like around also there are certain foods that certain animals shouldn’t have so just make sure those are lying around I really recommend you start this early on like several weeks before you going to adopt a pet just so you can slowly realize the different things that might be hazard you have plenty of time you don’t have to focus all in one like our and think what in my house could possibly be a problem just gradually start changing your lifestyle moving on your things to where it will accommodate your pets the last thing is going to kind of grow with you as you have the pets but I think it’s really helpful to prepare in advance as well but that is your pet’s parenting style I’ve never had a kid obviously having a human child is a little bit more trouble than having pets but there are definitely some similarities when it comes to where your pet is allowed to go on with their lives to do and how they’re allowed to act that’s a little bit like having a child and you have to figure this stuff out you might be thinking that you definitely have to wait to have the animal to be able to do this but that’s not completely true stuff like a siding where your pet can I can’t go is very important to establish from day one from our one because for example if you don’t want to catch up on your kitchen counter needed for several from the very start every time they get up you take them down because once you you let them get out multiple times I think it’s okay it’s going to be really hard to change their habit they’ve already thought of it as their own if you let your pets even your bed at night if you like your pet up on the couch or uncertain chairs or in certain rooms if you have a house with rooms unlike any place in Paris basically but if that applies to you you just need to make sure you figure this stuff out in advance and I would consider this all sort of associated with parenting style once you actually bring your pet home and you have been there with you obviously you’re going to learn a ton of other personality you’re going to learn it.
Basically how to be a pet parents to that particular Pat because everyone is different even amongst the exact same breeding exact same age each individual Pat is going to have their own things the curious about and that they like to do and their own ways of responding to you and you’re going to learn what works best with them but if you just do a bit of research in advance and you’re prepared for what might be the problems and you’re gonna say were self probably a lot of headaches later all right so those are the things that I wrote down I really really hope I didn’t forget anything important if I did I leave in the coming below or leave it in the description box actually more likely to make you pop up in the description box for any other little details I really hope this video has been helpful for you guys if you have any tips of your own to add please do especially if you’re a long time animal owner if you have a lot more experience than me I would love to hear your personal tips and of course anytime you want you can tweet me pictures of your animals I will love them doesn’t matter what kind of animal they are kind of read they are how old they are what color they are I’m going to let them in if you want to see more pics of hamlet there are tons on Instagram and they’re always always tons more to come thank you all so much for watching and I was the very soon.